National Library Week April 14 - 20, 2013

Submitted by krinehart on April 17, 2013 - 6:10pm

Today we received an email from the Healdsburg branch librarian, Bo Simons, who has a neighbor that is involved in rehabilitating the old Cloverdale Library and is interested in finding interior views of the building which was built in 1921. Perfect topic given that this is National Library Week!


So far no luck, but hoping that perhaps by posting this blog someone will come forward with photos, blue prints or building specifications (doesn't hurt to be optimistic).

A bit of history on the Cloverdale Library. According Images of America: Cloverdale by Joan Wagele, Marge Gray, and the Cloverdale Historical Society, and other sources, Cloverdale's first library was actually started around 1894 in the Library Hall at 231 North West Street. The Cloverdale Free Library was built in 1921 by the Women's Improvement Club on land donated by Ida (Hoadley) Humbert. In 1966 the Cloverdale Lbrary merged with the County Library and in 1979 the current Cloverdale Public Library located at 401 North Cloverdale Boulevard, opened in Feburary of 1979 at which time the "old" library became home to a wholesale lumber business.

If you or someone you know has information that you think might aid in the rehabilitation of this piece of history, please let me know by providing comments below.

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