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Your next read can be a book from the library, an eBook, or an eAudiobook.
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In addition to searching our catalog, eBook and eAudiobook options, consider trying some of the following tools:
Book Bundles / Paquetes de Libros - This is a great way to learn about something new, read something you’ve never read before and get a surprise!
Novelist - a book recommendation tool
Reading Lists - take a look at suggested reading lists
NextReads Newsletters - subscribe to newsletters providing reading suggestions each month.
What Should I Read Next? - New virtual readers advisory service. Request 2-3 personalized reading recommendations.
Books, Movies, Music or other Media We Don't Own
After you explore our catalog and eBook and eAudiobook collections, consider using your library card to get the material from other California libraries (LINK+), Suggest a Purchase.
LINK+ is....
- A catalog of materials from over 70 participating libraries in California and Nevada.
- Access to over 9 million titles from academic, public, and special libraries.
- A free service which enables Sonoma County Library card holders to request materials not found at your local library from the library, home, or office, any time of day or night.
- Books, DVDs, CDs and videos may be borrowed from participating libraries.
- Get started by going to LINK+
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