Please contact your local branch to cancel LINK+ holds or with any other LINK+ questions.

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LINK+ is...

  • A free service which enables Sonoma County Library card holders to request material not available at your local library.
  • A catalog of materials from over 70 participating libraries in California.
  • Access to over 9 million titles from academic and public libraries.
  • Place your requests directly, no forms required, from a single online catalog.
  • Place your requests from the library, home or office, any time of day or night.
  • Books, DVDs, CDs and videogames may be borrowed from participating libraries.

How does LINK+ Work?

  • Go to the LINK+ catalog to begin your search OR search the Sonoma County Library catalog and click the LINK+ tab.
  • When you locate the item you wish to borrow, click the REQUEST this ITEM link.
  • Choose Sonoma County Library from the menu and click the SUBMIT button.
  • Enter the requested identification information (your library card number) and choose your preferred pickup location from the menu, click SUBMIT.
  • You will be notified by your preferred method (email, text, phone or mail) when your item is available for pick up.

LINK+ Borrowing Rules:

  • Up to six holds may be placed at a time; up to ten items may be checked out at a time.
  • Loan period: 21 days for all items (books and media), with one 3-week renewal.
  • Lost or damaged items are subject to fees set by the lending library.