Petaluma Business Supports the WWII Effort With Coveralls

Submitted by krinehart on December 19, 2012 - 2:33pm

While going through my very large pile of items to be filed I came across a Petaluma Argus Courier article dated January 20, 1941, that describes how Goldstone Brothers, a garment manufacturer located at 300 Main Street (Petaluma Boulevard North), had signed a contract to supply the U.S. Government with 12,000 aviator coveralls within four to five months. The coveralls were to be assembled by 25 to 35 women and shipped to the quartermaster department at the Presidio in San Francisco and from there sent out to bases, ports and training fields across the United States.

300 Petaluma Boulevard North, Petaluma CA. Photo taken by Katherine J. Rinehart - May 2012.

I've checked the Library's catalog and have yet to locate a picture of the factory or its employees.

Today the Goldstone Brothers building is occupied by Military Antiques and Museum. Wonder if they have any Petaluma made coveralls on display?

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