The Theme is The River

Submitted by krinehart on July 20, 2013 - 3:56pm

On Thursday night July 25th, the Petaluma Historical Library and Museum will present The Theme is the River - an evening with local writers Susan Starbird, Rebecca Lawton, and Jonah Raskin; poets Bill Vartnaw, Patti Trimble, and Donna Emerson; and comedian Dave Pokorny.

This community event is sure to be  lively and informative and ties in with the Museum's current exhibit: Changing Courses -The History and Future of the Petaluma River which is up until August 25th.

As a primer I thought it would fun to share the following "story" which appeared in the Petaluma Daily Imprint on January 10, 1894.

The Dredger Arrives

"The big dredger Nevada arrived in the river on Monday evening from Stockton, in tow of the pretty little tug Santa Monica. During the heavy fog of that day she ran on a bank near Lakeville, where she remained fast. Yesterday the tug came to this city for water and supplies and returned to the dredger, and this morning came up river with the big mud slinger, passing through the railroad drawbridge at 12:30. The dredger and tug are the finest ever seen in these waters. Work will be commenced at once and mud will soon be flying."

Of course we all know how important it is that the river is dredged, but the poetry of this little article makes it sound really fun too. Let the slinging begin!

See you Thursday night at 7 PM - 20 Fourth Street, Petaluma, CA. Admission is $5.


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