Effective November 15, 2017, Sonoma County Library has transfered our E-Audiobook titles from the OverDrive platform to the Axis 360 platform. OverDrive will retain our E-Book collection. All new E-Audiobooks will appear in Axis 360, so check there for the newest, hottest titles!
This change allows us to streamline how we provide access to our E-Audiobooks so the majority of E-Audiobook titles can be found in one platform and easy-to-use app. If you prefer to listen rather than read, you can look in Axis 360 to find the majority of titles you want. If you prefer to read rather than listen, you can look in OverDrive. If you typically use our library catalog https://find.sonomalibrary.org/ to search for and find E-Audiobooks to check out, you will still be able to do so, and will be directed to the appropriate platform to borrow and place holds.
Our electronic resources can be managed more efficiently because we have split the E-Audiobooks from the E-Books; we can track usage of our collections, consolidate patron requests to the appropriate platform, and manage our funds more easily.
If you have any E-Audiobooks on hold in OverDrive, don’t worry! You will not lose your place on the waiting list. All current holds will be transferred to Axis 360 within 48 hours of the change. Those of you who currently have E-Audiobooks checked out in OverDrive will not be cut off on November 15, but will have until the end of your checkout to complete your book without interruption. You will not be able to renew that title on OverDrive, but you will be able to find it on the Axis 360 app.
If you have not already downloaded the Axis 360 app, you can do so here: http://sonoma.axis360.baker-taylor.com/AppZone/ReaderList. You can also browse, checkout, place holds, and listen online:http://sonoma.axis360.baker-taylor.com/
E-Audiobooks check out for 21 days. There is a checkout limit of 5 titles, and a hold limit of 3 titles, on downloadable audiobooks. Electronic content will automatically return at the end of the loan period, so there are never any late fees. Return items early to checkout additional titles.
Download the Axis 360 app for your mobile device and start listening today!