Subject Lists

List created by librarians about specific subject that re requested the most by patrons. 

If I had a pet dragon, her name would be Betty and she would breath fire and eat cupcakes and give me rides! Picture books about dragons.

Making, building, flying, and figuring out HOW. Picture books about kids who imagine, invent, and create.

Picture books about the important role of big brothers and sisters.

Dystopia can be defined as an imagined future in which a worst-case scenario is explored. It is the opposite of Utopia. Check out these great dystopian reads!

Looking for a different kind of romance?  Love comes in all forms.  Check out these books featuring gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and queer characters.

I like a good dystopian fiction book as much as the next person, but for those readers who prefer their science fiction to be of the non-dystopian variety, take a look at these recommended titles:

Football, Basketball, Wrestling, Track. On or off the court, around the track or way out in left field. These books will let you live in another athlete's shoes.

Great historical books for Teens selected by Young Adult Librarians.

Do you like to read real life stories? If so, try out this list of teen biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. 
