

What is WorldCat?

WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content. It allows you to search the collections of many libraries at once, including Sonoma County Library and thousands more around the world. 

How do I get started?

  1. Press the "Go" button above

  2. Enter in your search terms


  • Faceted Browse: A left-hand "faceted browse" panel allows users to refine their results by categories. These "facets" include author, content (subject), format, language, year of publication, and a new Open Access filter that limits searches to a subset of source databases known for providing open content. 

  • Article Citations: also includes more than 200 million article citations from many popular databases, including the following:

  • OAIster

  • JSTOR Archive

  • Elsevier metadata

  • Medline

  • ERIC

  • British Library Inside Serials

  • ArticleFirst

  • Citation Generation: A WorldCat record includes the ability to generate bibliographic citations for the displayed work. A "Cite/Export" link in the horizontal menu bar launches a pop-up window with citations for the five most common citation styles (APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA and Turabian) that users can copy and paste into a document or e-mail. A citation can also be exported, either in a file formatted for EndNote bibliographic software or directly to the RefWorks online bibliography service.

Available to use on

Any computer, tablet or phone with internet and browser capabilities.  There is currently no app for this product.

Need help?

Contact us by emailphone or in person at any library branch.

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