211 E Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Library Hours:
Monday: 10am-3pm
Tuesday: 10am-3pm
Wednesday: 10am-3pm
Thursday: 10am-3pm
Friday: 10am-3pm
Horas de la biblioteca:
Lunes: 10am-3pm
Martes: 10am-3pm
Miércoles: 10am-3pm
Jueves: 10am-3pm
Viernes: 10am-3pm
Sonoma County Library Adult Literacy provides one-to-one tutoring partnerships for adults who want to improve their English language and reading and writing skills. Our programs are learner-centered and community supported. We work with the adult learner in accomplishing their goals.
Adult Literacy one-to-one learning partner programs are available system-wide at all branches. The Adult Literacy Office is located inside the Central Santa Rosa Library on the second floor.
Listen to testimonials from our patrons!
Services We Offer
One-On-One Learning Partners for Adults
- Learner Assessments & Goal setting
- Tutor-Learner Partner Matching based on schedule & location preferences
- English Language Partners - English listening, speaking and understanding
- Adult Literacy Partners - build reading and writing skills
- Adults work individually with their community volunteer tutor for a minimum of 2-3 hours per week at their local library
- Family Literacy - Resources and early literacy practices shared with adult caregivers enrolled in our programs
- Free learning materials for enrolled adults and tutors from our Adult Literacy Resource Library
- Access to digital literacy resources: laptops, iPads for program participation and basic digital literacy skill goals
Tutor Support
- Tutor orientation and training:
- Working with adult learners, inclusive practices
- English Language acquisition practices: listening, speaking, understanding
- Core Literacy skill building pracices: reading and writing
- Free instruction materials from the Adult Literacy Resource Library
- Ongoing tutor support from the Adult Literacy Coordinator team
Small-Group Instruction - Library based
- Virtual Let's Talk English Conversation Circles
Register here - Reach Your Goals Classes
Small group instruction focused on specific Roles & Goals skills for adult learners who have completed literacy assessment.
Group Adult Literacy and English Language Instruction - In Community at:
- Sonoma County Jails through Sheriff’s Department Partner Contract
- Outreach English Language Classes for adults sited at local schools:
- Burbank Elementary
Writing & Publishing
- SCL Literacy Publications/Learner Writing Collections
- Quarterly Adult Literacy Community Newletter - featuring learner writings
- Referrals to other adult education resources in the community.