December is Learn a Foreign Language Month

Submitted by kdeweese on November 26, 2018 - 2:21pm
  • learn a new language today with mango languages

There are plenty of reasons to learn a foreign language. According to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages language learning supports academic achievement, improved reading abilities, linguistic awareness, and positive attitudes towards other cultures. Get started with Mango Languages, a great resource free to use with your Sonoma County Library card!

Through Mango, library users are offered the opportunity to learn 60 foreign languages and 17 English courses taught in the user’s native tongue. The service is available to library card holders at the library, through the library website, and for mobile devices with apps for iPhone, Android, Kindle and Nook.

Mango Languages includes Foreign Language Courses at both the Basic and Advanced Level. Use Mango Basic courses to quickly learn some basic words and phrases for a business trip or short trip overseas. Mango Complete courses are aimed at students who want to move beyond basic language skills. Languages include Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and more. You can even learn Pirate.

Start learning a new language today!


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