What is PressReader?
PressReader offers unlimited access to more than 7,000 newspapers and magazines from around the world, featuring international news in a browsable and visual format from 120 countries in 60 different languages. Top titles include: The Guardian, Bloomberg Businessweek, Newsweek, the Daily Mail, L’Équipe, Der Tagesspiegel, Libération, China Daily, and La Razón.
How do I get started?
Go to PressReader.com or download the PressReader App.
Click on “Sign In” (NOT “Sign Up”) and select “Library or Group”
Search for Sonoma County Library in the “Select Library” box
Enter in your Library Card number and PIN when asked
Create an account with a valid email and choose a password if asked
* Access lasts for 30 days per app log in, unlimited logins allowed
Please note: If you encounter a 7 day free trial message
Click the profile icon then go to My Account
Under "Social and Linked Networks" and select "Library or Group"
Search for "Sonoma County Library"
Enter your library card number and PIN, then hit the Sign in button.
Contactless news source
Share content to social networks
Save and download publications to read later
Listen to content out loud
Instantly translated into 19 different languages
Available for use on
Any computer or device with a browser and internet access. There are both iOS and Android apps available for this resource with Sonoma County Library access.
Need Help?
Contact us email, phone or in person at any library branch.