

What is Escolar?

Escolar is a Spanish-language resource for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish.  Access is provided courtesy of the California State Library.

How do i get started?

  1. Have your library card ready (Don't have one? No problem! Check out our eCard registration page)

  2. Click on the "Go" button above

  3. Sign in with your library card if asked


• Two distinct levels of unique content—Primaria (Elementary) and Secundaria (Middle School)—offer information of interest to every student.

• Engaging home pages at each level are entry points to thousands of articles, images, videos, maps, and tables, many of which are newly added daily.

• Reino Animal (Animal Kingdom) and Sabías que…? (Did You Know?) features pique students’ curiosity and the desire to dig deeper.

• Mi Britannica (My Britannica) offers a convenient place to save, organize, and share collections of content that users find in Britannica Escolar.

• A responsive design provides access to the site anytime, anywhere, and on any device, including tablets, smartphones, and laptops.

• Expand how and where you search for information easily and conveniently. Now you can search at one level and then, with one click, view additional results on the same topic at the other level. Searching by subject is yet another way to find what you are looking for.

• Connect to your other Britannica resources from the Escolar home page.

Available for use on

Any computer, tablet or phone with internet and browser capabilities.  There is currently no app for this product. 

Need Help?

Contact us by emailphone or in person at any library branch.