
BookFlix Logo

What is BookFlix? 

Classic children’s picture books are paired with a related nonfiction e-book. Plus puzzles, games and age-appropriate web links allow kids to further explore. Aimed at preschool to 3rd grade, it's perfect for early or reluctant readers and as well as English language learners. 

How do I get started?

  1. Have your library card ready (Don't have one? No problem! Check out our eCard registration page)

  2. Click on the "Go" button above

  3. Start Reading!


  • 100 classic video storybooks each paired with a related nonfiction eBook (200 titles total).

  • Spanish language versions of 27 pairs. (54 titles total)

  • Scholastic BookFlix delivers high-interest, interactive content to engage early readers.

  • Cultivates key reading skills

  • Supports reluctant readers and English Language Learners

  • Builds fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension

  • Provides an excellent home-school resource

  • Great for story-hour programming

  • Read-aloud with word highlighting

Available for use on

  • Any computer or device with browser and internet access

  • There is no app for this resource

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