What is HeritageHub?
The premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 – today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images.
How do I get Started?
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Log in with your library card and PIN if asked.
Quick, accurate search results
Details on multiple family members within each available obituary
Easily identifiable relatives, relationships, and potentially unknown family connections
Sort results by Best Match, Newest or Oldest Record
Filter search results by Date, Location and Source
Important dates and names prominently featured
Comprehensive coverage from all 50 U.S. states and territories
Original obituary images from historical newspapers
Hard-to-find digitized content from mid-to- late 1900s
New records added daily
Available For Use On
Any computer or device with a browser and internet access. There is currently no app for this product.
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Contact us by email, phone or in person at any library branch.