What is MakeMake?
A digital library with 200 Spanish language eBooks for children. Discover exciting animated and interactive books, all in Spanish! MakeMake also includes resources for parents and educators, to help develop Spanish language literacy in children from birth through elementary school. With an interface entirely in Spanish and developed in Colombia, the MakeMake collection is simple to access and use.
How do I Get Started?
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Click on the GO button above.
Log in with your library card and PIN if asked.
Authentic literature from leading Latin American Publishers
Books for children in preschool though elementary school
Easy 24/7 remote access from your PC, tablet or smart phone
Compatible with white boards, projectors, and TV Screens
Books are always available with no wait
Safe environment. NO ads. NO chat or strangers
Available For Use On
Any computer or device with a browser and internet access. There is currently no app for this product.
Need Help?
Contact us by email, phone or in person at any library branch.