This collection offers a selection of historical Sonoma County maps held by the Sonoma County Library. It includes township maps, plat maps and more. We have many more maps than are viewable on this site and will be making additional maps available in the future. The collection is part of the Sonoma County Local History & Culture.
Other Sonoma County Map Resources
The Sonoma County Library owns many historic and current maps of Sonoma County locations and features. Browse general Sonoma County maps or search by specific locations by entering the location name and keyword "map*" in the catalog search box.
The Library owns a complete set of Sanborn Insurance Company maps for Sonoma County cities and towns on microfilm; these detailed maps are frequently used for historic research, preservation and restoration efforts.
Additional digitized maps of Sonoma County may be found in the collections of the Online Archive of California and the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection .