Social Studies and Geography

A to Z Maps

Contains thousands of political, physical, outline, environmental, antique, and scientific maps.

A to Z the USA

Encyclopedia of US state and country data.

A to Z World Culture

Covers society and culture for 175 countries.

Britannica Academic

Encyclopedia Britannica plus many other research tools.

Britannica School

Up-to-date curated and cuririculum-relevant primary sources, maps, and research tools.


Leading knowledge-building resource for accurate and age-appropriate content in Spanish.

Explora for High School

Find full text magazine articles, biographies, images and more on a variety of topics for high school students.

Explora for Middle School

A great place to start when you're looking for information for middle school homework assignments.

MasterFile Complete - Magazine Articles

Read and download full text articles from more than 2,000 magazines, journals, and newspapers.