Library News

  • Adult Education image

Improve Your Life, Career, and Skills

Are you a student in higher education or interested in enriching your life, changing careers, and embarking on your own personal learning journey? We've put together a list of adult education resources to support your educational needs and improve your skills, whether for school or for fun.

  • LearningExpress Library features nearly 1,000 online tutorials, practice tests, and eBooks for all ages.
  • Learn business, technology, and creative skills with video tutorials from LinkedIn Learningy.
  • Students of any age can connect with free tutors and more at Tutor.comy.
  • Great Courses are expertly-produced audio and video courses by professors such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Access the Great Courses collection on Kanopy, OverDrive, and hoopla.

Looking for more? See the full list of adult education resources. We also have resources for our school age patrons!

Nunca dejamos de aprender

¿Es estudiante de escuela o universidad? ¿Le interesa añadir algo extra a su rutina diaria, está pensando en una nueva carrera, o simplemente le gusta aprender? Hemos reunido una lista de recursos en línea gratis para apoyar al aprendizaje personal de adultos y sus metas profesionales.

  • LearningExpress ofrece recursos para mejorar las habilidades escritas, orales y gramaticales en español y sus habilidades matemáticas además que prácticas para el GED y el examen de ciudadanía estadounidense e información sobre la tarjeta verde
  • LinkedIn Learning les da acceso a tutoriales en línea sobre una amplia gama de temas de tecnología, creatividad y negocios en español
  • tiene tutoría gratis en vivo en línea para estudiantes de cualquier edad además que un servicio de revisión de ensayos.
  • Kanopy es una manera gratis de ver películas y documentales en línea. El sitio web está organizado por temas académicas, incluso los negocios, las ciencias y las artes.
  • OverDrive y hoopla le dan acceso a miles de libros y audiolibros electrónicos

¿Busca más? Aquí está la lista completa de todos los recursos de aprendizaje en línea para adultos. También tenemos recursos escolares en línea para niños y adolescentes.


  • New American Collection / Coleccion para Nuevos Estadounidenses

Library launches educational citizenship collection

Are you or is someone in your life interested in American citizenship? Sonoma County Library’s “New American Collection” launched in all 12 branches on September 17, 2019, Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. This collection is for those interested in citizenship, civics, and naturalization, primarily the immigrant population of Sonoma County.

The New American Collection empowers community members by providing easily browsable, multilingual, multimedia materials in support of acquiring citizenship and learning English.

“The County of Sonoma continues our commitment to be a safe and inclusive community,” said Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Chair David Rabbitt. “We applaud the library’s efforts to put together the New American Collection aimed at informing all of our residents about civics and paths to citizenship.”

By including these resources in one collection, the library provides anyone interested with relevant information to help them gain and secure civil rights and participate more fully in their communities. Nationwide, slightly more than half of immigrants are non-citizens. Native-born citizens may also benefit from the collection by learning about their rights and privileges as citizens, especially those with friends, family, or coworkers who are non-citizens.

The New American Collection includes materials in English, Spanish, and other world languages. Materials include books, CDs, DVDs, and more. Resources circulate and/or are freely given away. Example titles include: “U.S. Immigration Made Easy,” “How to Get a Green Card,” and “Fiancé & Marriage Visas.” Find these titles at your local branch!

To learn more about the New American Collection, visit your local library branch. The New American Collection is free and available to all. Materials can be checked out with a Sonoma County Library card, which is available to all county residents, regardless of immigration status. For more information on how to sign up for a library card, visit any Sonoma County Library branch in person or go to

  • PRExcellence Award image

Library Wins PRExcellence Award from the California Library Association

The PRExcellence Awards are given annually by the California Library Association to honor the highest quality efforts of California libraries in promoting and communicating their message to their customers. Each year, libraries are recognized in four Award entry categories: Print, Electronic, Event or Campaign, and Wildcard, as well as a Best in Show award.

On May 13, 2021, CLA announced that Sonoma County Library won the 'Best in Show' PRExcellence Award for Sonoma Responds: A Community Memory Archive. This project collects stories about how #SonomaCounty has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more about Sonoma Responds:

  • Zayda Delgado photo

History & Genealogy Library’s Zayda Delgado Selected as Mellon Cultural Heritage Fellow

Zayda Delgado, Special Collections Librarian and Archivist at the Sonoma County History and Genealogy Library, will be one of 15 fellows to join the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship for Diversity, Inclusion & Cultural Heritage from the Rare Book School (RBS) at the University of Virginia. Delgado will participate in a three-year program which includes orientation, Rare Book School coursework, community symposia, and other activities relating to multicultural collections and trainings. The fellowship program seeks to enhance understandings of multicultural collections among professionals, local community members, and the broader public.

The program kicked off virtually in April 2021, and Delgado looks forward to traveling to Virginia for Rare Book School in 2022 and 2023 as a fellow.

“I’m thrilled to be part of this cohort. Archives and special collections play a vital role in building a more representative historical record,” Delgado said. “This opportunity will deepen my ability to design programing and services that explore the histories and legacies of our multicultural communities.”

In her work at the Sonoma County History and Genealogy Library, Delgado preserves and amplifies the histories of our communities, including Latinx and LGBTQ+ communities. She applies community engaged approaches to relationship building, collection development, and programming. Among her notable projects are Sonoma Responds: A Community Memory Archive and Santa Rosa Zine Fest. Delgado holds a Masters in Library and Information Science with a concentration in archival studies and public librarianship from San Jose State University and a Bachelor of Arts in History from California State University, Fullerton.

Danielle Culpepper, RBS Director of Budget & Finance and one of the authors of the initiative, said in a press release that fellows will participate in virtual workshops, conferences, and Rare Book School courses this year.

“We look forward to gathering together with the fellows in person next year but are very excited to have the opportunity to bring all of the participants together virtually to engage in the important work of the fellowship in the current moment,” Culpepper said.

The 15 fellows were chosen from a competitive field of applicants by a selection committee of leading cultural heritage professionals. The selected fellows work closely with a broad spectrum of multicultural collections and communities. The fellowship aims to develop skills for documenting and interpreting visual and textual materials in special collections and archives; raise awareness within professional communities about the significance of inclusive, multicultural collections; build connections with diverse communities and publics; and advance careers by establishing new pathways and skills for professional growth.


¡Celebra el Orgullo LGBTQ+ con la biblioteca!

Únase a celebrar el Mes de Orgullo LGBTQ+ este junio, que nos ofrece tiempo a promover la autoafirmación, dignidad, igualdad y mayor notoriedad de la comunidad LGBTQ+.

El primer Mes de Orgullo LGBTQ+ tomó lugar en la Ciudad de Nueva York el 28 de junio, 1970 y fue coordinado en parte por Brenda Howard, una activista bisexual. Este evento conmemoró el aniversario de los disturbios de Stonewall, uno de los eventos más importantes que fomentó al movimiento de liberación gay y aumentó las luchas por los derechos LGBTQ+ en los Estados Unidos.

Con el aumento de legislación en contra de personas transgénero por todo el país este año, es aún más importante que bibliotecas se esfuercen a demostrarle a la comunidad LGBTQ+ que nuestro espacio es uno donde siempre será bienvenida y celebrada, no solo durante el Mes de Orgullo LGBTQ+ sino cada día.

Eventos virtuales

Virtual Pride Club

Club virtual de Orgullo LGBTQ+ para jóvenes (de 13 a 18 años)

Cada martes a 4pm
*Este evento será en inglés con personal bilingüe disponible

Regístrese para este programa semanal con los siguientes enlaces:

  • 1 de junio (past)
  • 8 de junio (past)
  • 15 de junio (past)
  • 22 de junio Con invitados especiales de Promotores para Adolescentes (SAY) (past)
  • 29 de junio (past)

Social Justice Club

Cada jueves a 4pm
*Este evento será en inglés. El tema de junio son los derechos transgénero.

Regístrese para este programa semanal con los siguientes enlaces:

  • 3 de junio (past)
  • 10 de junio (past)
  • 17 de junio (past)
  • 24 de junio (past)


Martes, 22 de junio a 5:30pm

Cronología de la historia LGBTQI+ en el condado de Sonoma
*Este evento será en inglés

¿Nuestra historia se informará a nuestro futuro? Las personas LGBTQI+ siempre han vivido en el condado de Sonoma y han tenido un papel importante en la cultura y política queer de la región, del estado y hasta de la nación. Exploraremos cómo personas LGBTQI+ locales se crearon comunidad y fomentaron cambio cultural y político durante los años 1947 a 2000. Únase a esta charla animada sobre comunidad y otros temas importantes a la vida LGBTQI+ en el Norte de la Bahía.

Se presentarán Tina Dungan y Shad Reinstein, dos historiadores LGBTQI+ que crearon juntos la cronología de la historia LGBTQI+ en el condado de Sonoma.

El Canto

Charla sobre el documental: El Canto del Colibrí: Padres Latinos inmigrantes y sus miembros de familias LGBTQ

Jueves, 24 de junio a 6:00pm
*Esta película está en español e interpretación en español estará disponible para la charla.

¡Vea la película antes a través de Kanopy con su tarjeta de biblioteca y luego únase a la charla en Zoom!

"El Canto del Colibrí" es una historia de padres latinos que se enfrentan a problemas de inmigración, fe, matrimonio igualitario, cultura machista y el proceso de salida de sus hijos LGBTQ. Respondiendo a las solicitudes del público de "Tres Gotas de Agua" en todo el mundo, los realizadores emprenden este viaje invitando a los hombres latinos a hablar con franqueza sobre temas delicados y profundamente personales. Esta película abordará cuestiones políticas sobre las familias LGBTQ, la opresión social, la responsabilidad compartida y la aceptación de las personas LGBTQ como miembros de familias latinas.

Programas especiales celebran el Orgullo, el amor, la inclusión y la aceptación de nosotros mismos y de los demás.

  • 16 a 22 de junio - Telecuentos: Sirenas

    Llame al 707-755-2050 para escuchar esta historia favorita en español sobre Julian, quien sueña con ser una sirena.

  • 19 de junio - Hora de Cuentos Bilingüe: Sé Quien Eres

    Historias, canciones y juegos en español e inglés sobre amarte a ti mismo y a los demás. Apareciendo en el canal de YouTube de SonomaLibrary.

Kits de arte de verano para llevar y hacer

¡Disponible en las 14 sucursales de la biblioteca! Los kits están disponibles por orden de llegada. Mientras duren las reservas. ¡Llame a la biblioteca para solicitar el servicio desde la acera y un kit de Take & Make! Para mayores de 5 años, con supervisión de un adulto.

Entre otros kits, estos kits serán de tema arcoíris:

  • 7 de junio: Diarios de Vacaciones de Verano con Lápiz Arcoíris
  • 21 de junio: Bandera de corazón de arcoíris

Scavenger Hunt

Búsqueda de Tesoro de Lectura de Verano

Gabby Rivera

Juliet respira profundo

El Orgullo LGBTQI+ no para cuando acaba el junio. ¡Únase a la charla de la autora Gabby Rivera quién escribió Juliet respira profundo el 10 de julio a las 2:00pm!

Libros, colecciones y recursos

Listas de lectura recomendada por el personal de la biblioteca:

Lista de Lectura para los Adultos



por Carolina De Robertis

Voy a hablar de Sarah

Voy a hablar de Sarah

por Pauline Delabroy-Allard

No hables

No hables

por Uzodinma Iweala

Su cuerpo y otras fiestas

Su cuerpo y otras fiestas

por Carmen Maria Machado

Rojo, blanco y sangre azul

Rojo, blanco y sangre azul

por Casey McQuiston
(cualquier pronombre)

Las biuty queens

Las biuty queens

por Iván Monalisa Ojeda

No pasar

No pasar

por Dora Pavel

El beso de la mujer araña

El beso de la mujer araña

por Manuel Puig

Código de honor

Código de honor

por Radclyffe

En la Tierra somos fugazmente grandiosos

En la Tierra somos fugazmente grandiosos

por Ocean Vuong

La cultura de la homofobia y cómo acabar

La cultura de la homofobia y cómo acabar

por Ramón Martínez

Muchachas ordinarias

Muchachas ordinarias

por Jaquira Díaz

Lista de Lectura para los Jóvenes

Con amor, Simon

Con amor, Simon

por Becky Albertalli

Aristóteles y Dante descubren los secretos del universo

Aristóteles y Dante descubren los secretos del universo

por Benjamin Alire Sáenz

La lógica inexplicable de mi vida

La lógica inexplicable de mi vida

por Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Al final mueren los dos

Al final mueren los dos

por Adam Silvera

Juliet respira profundo

Juliet respira profundo

por Gabby Rivera

Leah a destiempo

Leah a destiempo

por Becky Albertalli

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

por John Green y David Levithan

Este libro es gay

Este libro es gay

por Juno Dawson
YA SP 306.766 DAWSON

Desayuno en Júpiter

Desayuno en Júpiter

por Andrea Tomé

Te daría el mundo

Te daría el mundo

por Jandy Nelson

Cada día

Cada día

por David Levithan

Moriré besando a Simon Snow

Moriré besando a Simon Snow

por Rainbow Rowell

Lista de Lectura para los Niños

Haga clic aquí para bajar la lista como un archivo PDF.



por Jessica Love

Mi princesito

Mi princesito

por Cheryl Kilodavis

Cuando amamos cantamos

Cuando amamos cantamos = When we love someone we sing to them

por Ernesto Javier Martínez

Ahora me llamo Luisa

Ahora me llamo Luisa

por Jessica Walton

¡Vivan las uñas de colores!

¡Vivan las uñas de colores!

por Alicia Acosta
y Luis Amavisca

Antonio’s Card / Tarjeta de Antonio

Antonio’s Card / Tarjeta de Antonio

por Rigoberto González

George simplemente sé tú mismo

George simplemente sé tú mismo

por Alex Gino

Tres con Tango

Tres con Tango

por Justin Richardson

A de Activista

A de Activista

por Martha González

One of a kind like me = Único como yo

One of a kind like me = Único como yo

por Laurin Mayeno

Federico y sus familias

Federico y sus familias

por Mili Hernández

¡Mi familia es de otro mundo!

¡Mi familia es de otro mundo!

por Cecilia Blanco

Colaboradores de la Comunidad

¡Visite los sitios web de nuestros colaboradores de la comunidad para más eventos y recursos para junio en adelante!


Celebrate Pride with the Library!

Join us in celebrating Pride Month this June, which serves as a time to promote the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of the LGBTQ+ community.

The first Pride Month was held in New York City on June 28th, 1970 and was coordinated in part by Brenda Howard, a bisexual activist. This event celebrated the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, one of the most important events that lead to the gay liberation movement and increased fights for LGBTQ+ rights in the United States. Other important events that led up to this moment included the Cooper Do-nuts Riot of 1959, the Compton’s Cafeteria Riot of 1966, and many other oft-forgotten attempts by the LGBTQ+ community to fight for their basic human rights.

With the increase of anti-trans legislation across the country this year, it is more important than ever that libraries make the effort to show the LGBTQ+ community that our space is one where they will always be welcomed and celebrated, not just during Pride Month but every day.

Virtual Events

Virtual Pride Club

Virtual Pride Club for Teens (ages 13-18)

Every Tuesday at 4pm

To register for this weekly program, follow the links below:

  • June 1st (past)
  • June 8th (past)
  • June 15th (past)
  • June 22nd with special guests from SAY-Social Advocates for Youth (past)
  • June 29th (past)

Social Justice Club

Social Justice Club for Teens (ages 13-18)

Every Thursday at 4pm

The theme for June is Transgender Rights. To register for this weekly club, follow the links below:

  • June 3rd
  • June 10th
  • June 17th
  • June 24th


Tuesday, June 22 at 5:30pm

Sonoma County LGBTQI+ History Timeline

How can our history inform our future? LGBTQI+ people have always lived in Sonoma County and have had a significant role in queer culture and politics regionally, statewide and even nationally. Explore the community building, cultural and social change forged by local LGBTQI+ people during the years 1947 – 2000, and join us for a lively discussion about community and other topics important to North Bay LGBTQI+ life.

Presented by Tina Dungan and Shad Reinstein, LGBTQI+ Historians who together created the Sonoma County LGBTQI+ Timeline.

El Canto

Film Discussion: El Canto del Colibri: Latino Immigrant Men and Their LGBTQ Family Members

Thursday, June 24 at 6:00pm -

View the film ahead on Kanopy with your library card and then join the discussion via Zoom! Spanish interpretation will be available.

"El Canto del Colibri," is a story of Latino fathers dealing with issues of immigration, faith, marriage equality, machismo, culture, and the process of their LGBTQ children coming out. Responding to requests from "Tres Gotas de Agua" audiences around the world, the filmmakers are taking this journey by inviting Latino men to speak frankly about delicate and deeply personal topics. This film will address political issues about LGBTQ families, social oppression, shared responsibility and acceptance of LGBTQ people as members of Latino families.

Special storytimes celebrate Pride, love, inclusion, and acceptance of ourselves and of others.

  • June 16 through June 22 - Dial-a-Story/Telecuento: Sirenas
    Call 707-755-2050 to hear this favorite Spanish story about Julian, who dreams of being a mermaid.
  • June 19th - Bilingual Storytime: Be Who You Are
    Stories, songs, and games in Spanish and English about loving yourself and others. Appearing on the SonomaLibrary YouTube channel.

Summer Take & Make Craft Kits

Available at all 14 library branch locations! Kits are available on a first come, first served basis. While supplies last. For ages 5 & up w/ adult supervision. Call the library to request Curbside Service and a Take & Make Kit!

Look for these special rainbow themed crafts:

  • June 7: Summer Journals & Rainbow Pencils
  • June 21: Rainbow Heart Sign

Scavenger Hunt

Summer Reading Scavenger Hunt

Gabby Rivera

Juliet Takes a Breath!

Pride doesn’t stop when June ends! Join us July 10 at 2:00pm for an author event with Gabby Rivera, author of Juliet Takes a Breath!

Books, Collections, and Resources

Staff created book recommendation lists:

Adult Book List

Click here to download the list as a PDF

With Teeth

With Teeth

by Kristen Arnett

Fiebre Tropical

Fiebre Tropical

by Juliana Delgado Lopera



by Nicole Dennis-Benn

The Death of Vivek Oji

The Death of Vivek Oji

by Akwaeke Emezi

The Mercies

The Mercies

by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

One Last Stop

One Last Stop

by Casey McQuiston
(any pronouns)

Honey Girl

Honey Girl

by Morgan Rogers

On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous

On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous

by Ocean Vuong



by Bryan Washington



by Rivers Solomon



by Angela Chen
306.76 CHEN

In the Dream House

In the Dream House
A Memoir

by Carmen Maria Machado

Teen Book List

Click here to download the list as a PDF

Clap When You Land

Clap When You Land

by Elizabeth Acevedo

The Black Flamingo

The Black Flamingo

by Dean Atta

Felix Ever After

Felix Ever After

by Kacen Callender

The Sound of Stars

The Sound of Stars

by Alechia Dow



by Akwaeke Emezi

You Should See Me in a Crown

You Should See Me in a Crown

by Leah Johnson



by Darcie Little Badger

Dark and Deepest Red

Dark and Deepest Red

by Anna-Marie McLemore

Cemetery Boys

Cemetery Boys

by Aiden Thomas

The Summer of Everything

The Summer of Everything

by Julian Winters



by Suzanne Walker (she/her) & Wendy Xu (she/her)

All Boys Aren't Blue

All Boys Aren't Blue

by George M. Johnson
Y 306.7662JOHNSON

Children's Book List

Picture Books

Click here to download the list as a PDF

Uncle Bobby's Wedding

Uncle Bobby's Wedding

by Sarah S Brannen

Annie's Plaid Shirt

Annie's Plaid Shirt

by Stacey B. Davids

Jacob's School Play

Jacob's School Play

by Ian & Sarah Hoffman
(he/him & she/her)

Papa, Daddy, & Riley

Papa, Daddy, & Riley

by Seamus Kirst

The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish

The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish

by Lil Miss Hot Mess

C is for Country

C is for Country

by Lil Nas X

Julián at the Wedding

Julián at the Wedding

by Jessica Love

When Aidan Became a Brother

When Aidan Became a Brother

by Kyle Lukoff

Plenty of Hugs

Plenty of Hugs

by Fran Manushkin

My Rainbow

My Rainbow

by Deshanna Neal

This Day in June

This Day in June

by Gayle E. Pitman

Sam is My Sister

Sam is My Sister

by Ashley Rhodes-Courter

School Age Books

Click here to download the list as a PDF

King and the Dragon Flies

King and the Dragon Flies

by Kacen Callender

Genius Jolene

Genius Jolene

by Sara Cassidy

Sal & Gabi Fix the Universe

Sal & Gabi Fix the Universe

by Carlos Hernandez

Goldie Vance

Goldie Vance

by Lilliam Rivera

The Derby Daredevils

The Derby Daredevils

by Kit Rosewater

Ana on the Edge

Ana on the Edge

by A.J. Sass

Beetle & the Hollowbones

Beetle & the Hollowbones

by Aliza Layne



by Kat Leyh

The Witch Boy

The Witch Boy

by Molly Ostertag

The Deep & Dark Blue

The Deep & Dark Blue

by Niki Smith

A Queer History of the United States

A Queer History of the United States

by Michael Bronski
J 306.76 CHEVAT

What Was Stonewall?

What Was Stonewall?

by Nico Medina
J 306.76 MEDINA

Community Partners

Visit the websites of our fantastic community partners for more events and resources for June and beyond!


  • Virtual Open Mic image

Virtual Open Mic

Calling all musicians, storytellers, poets and more!

Sonoma County Library is hosting its second annual
Virtual OPEN Mic!

Film your performance and submit it for a chance to win! The community will vote for their favorites in two categories (Adult and Youth) and the top three vote-getters from each category will win gift cards of $100, $75, and $50 in value.

This is an all-ages community-submitted open-mic program. Submit a short video (under 5 minutes long) of you performing a song, piece of poetry, or spoken word piece.

Submissions accepted June 6th – July 31st 2022.

Submit Your Video Here!

This year, the Adult Open Mic will premiere on Friday, August 19th on the Sonoma County Library Facebook and YouTube channels. The Youth Open Mic will as well, premiering on Saturday, August 20th.

Awards & Prizes

The community will vote for their favorites in two categories (Adult and Youth) and the top three vote-getters from each category will win gift cards of $100, $75, and $50 in value.

Rules & Terms

  • Each performer must be a resident of Sonoma County.
  • Submissions may be on any topic, but must be family-friendly (G or PG rated) in language and subject matter, or they will be disqualified.
  • G – General Audiences
  • All ages admitted. Nothing that would offend parents for viewing by children
  • PG – Parental Guidance Suggested
  • Some material may not be suitable for children. Parents urged to give "parental guidance". May contain some material parents might not like for their young children.
  • No need to include graphics, title pages, or credits-- we will do the editing!
  • Submissions may be no more than 5 minutes in length including credits.
  • Performances must be your own, and submissions must abide by all applicable copyright laws.
  • Submissions are not guaranteed inclusion in the final production.
  • Adult submissions are for those aged 19+. Youth submissions are for those under age 18.

Notice: If your performance has been chosen for inclusion in the adult or youth festival, expect to receive a notification from FilmFreeway requesting permission to download your video.

Legal Disclaimers:

By entering your performance into the Sonoma County Library Virtual Open Mic, the applicant agrees to all rules and regulations as defined in the official rules.

The applicant also grants a non-exclusive license, throughout the world and in perpetuity, to the Library to:

  • Show their performance to a non-paying public at a future Sonoma County Library Virtual Open Mic, other partner programs and promotional events.
  • Display the performance, in part or in its entirety, on the Sonoma County Library website, video streaming websites, and/or Sonoma County Library website and Facebook page.

Submissions accepted June 6th – July 31st 2022.

Submit Your Video Here!


  • Celebrating Asian Americans in Sonoma County image

Celebrating Asian Americans in Sonoma County

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. To celebrate the AAPI community during the month of May and beyond, we’ve put together free virtual programming and activities; as well as a resource guide that recognizes AAPI achievements and contributions and addresses anti-Asian hate. We hope that the following programming and resources will celebrate the contributions of Asian Americans, provide historical context, and offer an avenue for reporting crimes and opening discussions about racism.

A Celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage

Patrons can visit the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco with free passes through Discover & Go. 10 passes per month, free admission for 2 adults and all children under 12.

This month’s Documentary Film Discussion event on May 27 will focus on the film "Aoki, an Asian American Black Panther" (event is full).

Library Materials

Resource Guide

A report on the history of discrimination against Chinese Americans in Sonoma County.

An article discusses the origins of the term “Asian American” and how it came about from the struggles of the Black Power Movement, anti-war movement, and American Indian Movements.

Within Asian American Studies and Gender Studies, there has been discussion around the hyper-sexualization of Asian women as an example of racialized gender.

California community resources collected by the Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus.

If you encounter a hate incident you can report it here.

A collection of anti-Asian violence resources.

A free online picture book about anti-Asian racism and COVID-19. It was written with Asian American children in mind, but can be read by children and parents of any background.

Information from the Asian Mental Health Collective.

An Asian American K-12 resource: Confronting Xenophobia and Supporting Asian and Asian/Pacific American Communities during COVID-19.

You may also choose to use the hashtag #StopAsianHate when sharing resources on your personal social media.

The Sonoma County Library opposes the recent acts of violence against people of Asian descent and the ongoing discrimination and hate crimes that are a result of a legacy of systemic racism. The library is on record opposing bigotry and intolerance, and supporting equity diversity and inclusion. See our statement on racism and social equity here.


  • Celebrating Día / Celebrando Día image

Celebrating Día / Celebrando Día

El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day), commonly known as Día, is a celebration every day of children, families, and reading that culminates yearly on April 30. The celebration emphasizes the importance of literacy for children of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

The common goals of Día are to:

  • Celebrate children and connect them to the world of learning through books, stories, and libraries.
  • Nurture cognitive and literacy development in ways that honor and embrace a child’s home language and culture.
  • Introduce families to community resources that provide opportunities for learning through multiple literacies.
  • Recognize and respect culture, heritage and language as powerful tools for strengthening families and communities.

Sonoma County Library celebrates Día this year with two fun activities:

Mi Libro/My Book. This fun literacy project invites caregivers and children to use drawings, collage and/or photos to create a book that is all about the child’s interests. Pick up the Día craft activity kit at your local branch starting Monday, April 12.

Celebrate Día Virtual Event. Join your bilingual librarians on Friday, April 30th at 10:30 AM for a virtual story time with books, songs, and a show and tell, where participating children can share their Mi Libro/My Book creations!

These activities are made possible by a grant from the Early Learning with Families (ELF) project, an initiative of the California State Library. The ELF project is supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.

Celebrando el Día:

El día de los niños / El día de los libros, comúnmente conocido como Día, es una celebración diaria de niños, familias y lectura que culmina anualmente el 30 de abril. La celebración enfatiza la importancia de la alfabetización para los niños de todos los orígenes lingüísticos y culturales.

Los objetivos comunes de Día son:

The common goals of Día are to:

  • Celebrar a los niños y conéctelos con el mundo del aprendizaje a través de libros, cuentos y bibliotecas.
  • Fomentar el desarrollo cognitivo y de la alfabetización de manera que se respete y adopte el idioma y la cultura del hogar del niño.
  • Presentar a las familias los recursos comunitarios que brindan oportunidades de aprendizaje a través de múltiples alfabetizaciones.
  • Reconocer y respetar la cultura, el patrimonio y el idioma como instrumentos poderosos para fortalecer a las familias y las comunidades.

La Biblioteca del Condado de Sonoma está celebrando Día este año con dos actividades divertidos:

Mi Libro/My Book. Este proyecto de alfabetización invita a los niños y sus cuidadores a utilizar dibujos, collage y/o fotografías para crear un libro que trata sobre los intereses del niño. Recoja el paquete de actividades Día en su sucursal local a partir del lunes 12 de abril.

Celebre el evento virtual Día. ¡Únase a sus bibliotecarias bilingües el viernes, 30 de abril a las 10:30 AM para una hora de cuentos con libros, canciones, donde los niños participantes podrán compartir sus creaciones de Mi Libro / My Book!

Estas actividades son posibles gracias a una subvención del proyecto Early Learning with Families (ELF), una iniciativa del California State Library. El proyecto ELF es apoyado total o parcialmente por el U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services bajo las disposiciones del Library Services and Technology Act, administrada en California por el Bibliotecario Estatal.


  • More Student Learning Support image

More Student Learning Support - Más recursos para apoyar a estudiantes

Your Sonoma County Library card now gives you access to more California State Library databases to support K-12 learning. Dive into this new suite of resources:

  • The ProQuest Suite, including CultureGrams. CultureGrams provides country and state reports that deliver a perspective on daily life and culture. Explore the background, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people! Also new in the ProQuest Suite are ProQuest Research Companion, eLibrary, SIRS Discoverer, and SIRS Issues Researcher.

  • Book Connections: An easy-to-use website that adds a multimedia dimension to the reading experiences of children's and young adult books. Book Connections is the public library version of

These new resources are an expansion of the previous state funded package that includes Britannica School,, Escolar, and New York Times access.

All resources can be found on the A-Z list of eResources page.

Student OneCards and Educator Cards are also now able to access hoopla thanks to a generous donation from the Sonoma County Public Library Foundation. Hoopla is a one stop shop for your streaming digital media needs.

Su tarjeta de la Biblioteca del Condado de Sonoma ahora le da acceso a más bases de datos de la Biblioteca del Estado de California para apoyar el aprendizaje K-12. Revise estos nuevos recursos:

  • ProQuest Suite, incluidos CultureGrams. CultureGrams proporciona información nacional y estatal que ofrece una perspectiva de la vida y cultura diaria de la gente del mundo. Explore los antecedentes, costumbres y estilos de vida. También nuevo en ProQuest Research Companion, eLibrary, SIRS Discoverer y SIRS Issues Researcher.

  • Book Connections: un sitio web fácil de usar que agrega una dimensión multimedia a las experiencias de lectura de libros para niños y jóvenes. Book Connections es la versión de biblioteca pública de

Estos nuevos recursos son una expansión del paquete financiado anteriormente por el estado que incluye acceso a Britannica School,, Escolar y New York Times.

Todos los recursos se pueden encontrar en la lista A-Z de la página de recursos electrónicos.

Student OneCards y las tarjetas para educadores ahora también pueden acceder hoopla gracias a una generosa donación de la Fundación de la Biblioteca Pública del Condado de Sonoma. Hoopla es una ventanilla única para sus necesidades de materiales digitales.

