Friends of the Windsor Library (FoWL) exists to support the Windsor Regional Library. FoWL sponsors programs and provides funding for materials, supplies and furnishings.
The financial assistance FoWL provides is made possible by library patrons who donate to and purchase materials from the book cart in the library lobby. The book cart is open all library hours and is stocked by volunteers. All proceeds will be used to support the Windsor Regional Library.
We also have book sales during the Windsor Certified Farmers Market during the summer. The 2023 book sales are 9:30am-12:30pm on May 14, June 18, July 2 and August 27. Please join us at the farmers market this summer.
Join the FoWL! Friends of the Windsor Library membership form now available.
In addition to the book cart, we have summer once-a-month book sales during the Windsor Certified Farmers' Market. The dates for 2023 are May 14, June 18, July 2 and August 27.. The hours are 9:30am-12:30pm.
Board of Directors
The FoWL Board meets at NOON, the second Thursday of each month. Members and the public are welcome. The current Board Members are:
- Randall Neff - President
- Paula Hawkes - Vice President
- Linda Challoner - Secretary
- Mike Neely - Treasurer
- Louann Nickerson
- Helen Smith
- Brenda Balding
- "D" Graner
Phil Hoeft-Windsor Branch Manager-ex officio board member
New members welcome.