Windsor Regional Library Advisory Board

The Windsor Library Advisory Board meets the second Tuesday of January, April, July, and October at 4 p.m.  Location: Windsor Regional Library, 9291 Old Redwood Highway, Building 100, Windsor, CA 95492
Voting Members (Term Ends June 30 of Year Listed) 
Vacant - Vice Chair Vacant
Mike Neely - Chair (2023) Diane Graner - Secretary (2024)
Vacant Vacant - Youth member
Connie Ochoa (2023) Vacant
Ex-Officio Members  
Deborah Doyle (Library Commission Liaison)Kristina Owens (Town Council Liaison)
Debora Fudge (Town Council Liaison)Mike Wall (Town Council Liaison)
Randall Neff (Friends of the Library Liaison) Phil Hoeft (Branch Manager)

To apply to serve on a Library Advisory Board, use these applications in English or Español.

All upcoming Windsor Library Advisory Board Meetings.

Minutes From Past Meetings

Minutes from more recent meetings will be found on the Events Calendar for that individual meeting.