The Sonoma County Library (Library) seeks to recognize persons who have supported the Library through substantial financial contributions. The Library provides naming opportunities in recognition of individuals and corporations for outstanding services towards the development of the library system and for significant financial contributions. These naming opportunities, with necessary landlord approval, may include but are not limited to naming rooms in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate. Currently, only one building is owned by the Library, the Library Annex. All other buildings are owned by the library’s respective municipalities.
A proposal for naming rooms in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate in honor of a member of the community will also be considered when that person has given distinguished service to the Library that merits recognition in the Library’s history.
Only individuals and organizations whose action and or programs are compatible with the mission, policies, goals and values of the Sonoma County Library will be considered in naming rooms in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate.
General Definitions:
The Naming Rights Policy includes internal features, which may be naming rooms in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate. Other items may be recommended for naming after consultation with the Library Director and Library Commission.
1. A room in a building may include an enclosed rooms, designated areas such a story-time corner, or interior wall.
2. A designated plaque or nameplate may include a inscribed commemorative thin, flat plate or tablet of metal, porcelain, etc., intended for ornament, as on a wall, or set in a piece of furniture.
3. A collection is groups of books, media, and other information items.
4. Furnishings and equipment include furniture, computers, microfilm readers, and similar articles that are not a fixed part of the building and have a short life span.
5. Financial contributions include outright gifts of money, securities, in kind donations and endowments.
Adopted 9/11/17
Guidelines for Naming:
Appropriate financial contributions for such naming opportunities will be at the discretion of the Commission. Naming opportunities due to a financial contributions; naming rooms in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate may be named directly after the benefactor, or it may retain or be given a functional title following which the benefactor will be recorded as its sponsor. Proposals for naming should be submitted to the Library Director and should contain specific information in support thereof, including any guidelines on how the donated funds are to be used to support the named room or area. If endorsed by the Library Director, the proposal will be forwarded to the Commission for approval. The Commission reserves the right to name rooms in a building, designated plaque or nameplate furnishings and equipment or library collections according to what is best for the function of the Library.
A proposal for naming rooms in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate in honor of a person will normally be considered when that person is a major benefactor to the Sonoma County Library that merits recognition.
All documents must be finalized before the Library issues final approval for a naming opportunity. No publicity shall be initiated until a contract is in place.
While the Commission is grateful for and encourages donations from all individuals, businesses and organizations, the Commission has the right to decline any gift to the Library and/or reject naming proposals. The Commission reserves the right to terminate or alter a naming designation under unusual or extraordinary circumstances.
Naming rights will not extend beyond the normal life of the space, although a plaque will remain in the location in perpetuity, acknowledging the name and the donation. In the event the room or building is significantly altered during the agreed upon time when the gift was made, the Sonoma County Library Commission will roll the name forward in a similar capacity.
In the event that the Library does not receive the full amount of the donation for the naming opportunity, the Library Director may recommend to the Commission that the use of the benefactor's name for the area be discontinued.
When a major building project is to be undertaken, a tailored naming policy may be proposed for naming rooms in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate. Such a policy will require the endorsement of the Library Director for recommendation to the Commission.
Adopted 9/11/17
I. Naming Rooms of a Building
A. The Library will consider naming rooms in a building when a person or
corporation has given outstanding service towards the room or a financial contribution.
B. Recognition will be for 5 years or for the life of the room, unless the individual or corporation provides continuing or additional support.
II. Furnishings and Equipment, Collections
A. The Library will recognize a major financial contribution for the purchase of
furnishings and equipment, library collections or other by placing the name of the benefactor on a designated plaque or nameplate within the facility.
III. New Facilities
A. When a new building is planned to be owned by the Library, naming
opportunities will be outlined for the rooms in a building, designated plaque or nameplate furnishings and equipment or library collections and donation amounts will be assigned for each opportunity. This plan must be approved by the Commission.
IV. General
A. A naming opportunity must be consistent with the Library’s mission and goals.
B. The Sonoma County Public Library Foundation and the Friends of the Sonoma County Public Library may contribute multiple financial contributions that merit recognition. In such cases, naming opportunities will be in recognition of the original donor or for the individual/corporation designated by the board of support organization.
C. If the naming of rooms in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate is based on outstanding service to the library system, the next of kin or the family of a person whose name is being considered to naming rooms in a building, furnishings and
equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate will be notified in writing prior to completion of the naming process.
D. The naming of a room in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate shall be finalized only after the financial commitment by the individual or corporation has been honored in full and not on the basis of a pledge for future funds.
V. Indexation
At the discretion of the Library Director, the levels of financial contributions quoted
above will be adjusted to reflect changes in economic conditions, using the appropriate price indexing from the Federal Bureau of Statistics.
Gift Recognition Replacement-Special Considerations:
A request to rename a room in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate shall conform to the following principles:
Adopted 9/11/17
Any request to rename, add, or remove a name from a room within the Library should include documentation pertaining to the original approval and subsequent name change proposal. In the event that donor names must be removed for new construction, or in the event the Library is destroyed by natural disaster and is rebuilt to be used for its original purpose, recognition shall be replaced per the original agreement.
In the event a building is drastically altered through construction, the Commission shall reserve the right to add/alter gift recognition, including the room’s naming. Any donor plaques displaced as a result of this will be rededicated in an alternative location in accordance with the timeframe developed for the original gift.
When a named room has reached the end of its useful life and will be replaced or substantially renovated, the replaced or renovated space may be renamed in recognition
of a new donor or honoree. Appropriate recognition of earlier donors or honorees shall be included in, or adjacent to, new, renovated or redeveloped facilities.
Dedication Ceremony and Plaque, Inscription, or other Recognition:
The Commission reserves the right to choose the wording, size, location and style of the plaque inscription, or other recognition. An appropriate dedication ceremony may be planned and conducted.
Request Procedures:
1. Proposals for naming rooms in a building, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate may be submitted at any time during the year to the Library Director for review.
2. A proposal should include a) Applicant name
b) Contact Information including address, telephone and email address c) Naming opportunity of interest
d) Statement of the amount and method of the financial contribution to the Library e) Statement of the outstanding services toward the development of the library
system when the recognition is based open merit rather than financial contributions
f) Justification compliant with the criteria and objectives outlined in this policy
3. An official letter of response will be sent acknowledging the proposal and outlining the steps necessary to proceed with the naming process or declining the proposal and stating the reason for this action.
4. The Library Director will present to the Sonoma County Library Commission the naming proposal with appropriate documentation
5. The Library Commission will approve the design, wording, and placement of any permanent plaques, inscriptions or other recognitions.
Adopted 9/11/17
Recognition of Gift Levels:
General Room Naming Levels:
A donation in the amount of $50,000 or above will allow for the naming of a room or area at the Sonoma County Library by the donor. The Library Commission will determine which room or area depending on the amount of the donation.
Sponsorship and Naming Levels: Periodical Area / Reading Room | $50,000 |
Computer Area | $75,000 |
Teen Area | $100,000 |
Large Meeting Room | $200,000 |
Children’s Area / Room | $400,000 |
Other areas will be determined by the Library Commission according to the amount of donation.
Monetary gifts (other than those associated with naming rights and sponsorships) of $50,000 or more may be recognized on a designated plaque or nameplate.
Material/Equipment Gifts:
Donations of materials/equipment and funds to purchase materials/equipment will be accepted with the understanding that the Library reserves the right to determine if, and in what manner, the donated items will be used. The Library will make a good faith effort to use monies in accordance with the wishes of the donor(s) and the instructions of the Gift/Donations Form. The Library may refuse proposed gifts if restrictions are counter to Library policies.
Gifts of materials/equipment and items donated become the property of the Library, and are accepted with the understanding that they are subject to the same selection criteria as purchased materials/equipment. Items not selected for the collection may be passed on to another institution or library, or to the Friends of the Library for sale. All proceeds from the sale of donated materials will go to the Friends of the Library to benefit the Sonoma County Library. Acknowledgement of gifts for tax records may be provided, but appraisal of the value of donated items is not made.
Commemorative book(s) receive a bookplate listing the donor and the honoree and an acknowledgment letter will be sent to the person(s) or family of the person being honored.
Monetary Gifts:
All monetary gifts are recognized with an acknowledgment letter.
Adopted 9/11/17