Accessibility Services

Sonoma County Library is committed to providing an environment that supports the information needs of all members of the community. Information and building accessibility are important to us. Library staff will make good faith efforts to accommodate requests for assistance in accessing and making use of Library resources, materials and services.

Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance

Assistive Technology

ADA-Accessible Tables and Workstations
All libraries have ADA-accessible tables, and at least one computer workstation that allows for wheelchair access.

Large Print Screen Readers
All libraries have at least one computer station with a Large Print Screen Reader.

Video Relay Service for the Deaf
Sonoma County Library provides Video Relay Service (VRS) for the Deaf, hard of hearing, and speech disabled. This service, provided through Purple Communications, allows Deaf patrons to make outgoing calls to hearing parties with the assistance of a certified sign language interpreter.



Audio Collections
Books on CD, Books on Tape, Music CDs, as well as downloadable audio books are available for borrowing.

Braille and Talking Book Library (BTBL)
BTBL is a service of the California State Library that is completely free to eligible California residents. BTBL has braille and audio book titles, magazines, movies, newspapers and more. Books (and the equipment needed to use the library's audio books) are mailed postage-free to and from library patrons. The BTBL also offers BARD (Braille & Audio Reading Download) Collections where eligible residents can download audio and electronic braille books, magazines, and more.

Braille Collections
The Sonoma County Library carries materials available for checkout that are written in Braille.

Large Print Collections
The Large Print Collection consists of books with large type and increased spacing between lines to make the print easier to read. The library carries an extensive collection of large print books in every branch.


Information for People With Service Animals

Sonoma County Library welcomes service animals in all its facilites. Please help maintain a pleasant and safe environment for all library users by observing the following behavioral guidelines for your service animal. These guidelines conform to California Penal Code 365.7(a), Sonoma County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5, Sonoma County Animal Regulation Ordincance, Article 10 (5-122), and federal regularions that support the Americans With Disabilities Act.

  • Animals, other than service animals assisting persons with disabilities, are not permitted inside Library facilities and cannot be tethered near library entrances or book drops.
  • Fraudulently misrepresenting guide, signal or service dogs is a misdemeanor.
  • Keep your service animal with you and under your control at all times.
  • Keep your animal on the floor or on your person at all times.
  • If your service animal is a dog, keep your dog on a leash.
  • If your service animal's behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, or disobeys Sonoma County Library's Standards of Behavior Policy, it may not stay in the library.
  • ADA Requirements for Service Animals (updated July 12, 2011).