Reserve a Room

Library Meeting Rooms are generally used for Library events. When a room is not being used the Library, it is available for other individuals and organizations by request, regardless of opinion or affiliation. The Library does not sponsor or endorse the view of any outside group using the room, nor does it provide any supervision.

A Meeting Room use application must be approved before arrangements for use of the room can be made. Applications must be submitted and arrangements must be completed at least ten (10) days in advance of the event and no more than three (3) months in advance.

Meetings that are not co-sponsored by the Library must ensure that any promotional material or publicity advertising their meeting shall not claim that the Library is presenting, sponsoring, promoting or endorsing their meeting, and the Library’s logo may not be used in any publicity materials. Publicity notices must include the following disclaimer: “This program is neither sponsored by nor affiliated with the Sonoma County Library.

Sorry, the Library does NOT provide Audio/Visual (A/V) equipment, projector/screen, set-up or clean-up.

Free Public WiFi is available in Library Meeting Rooms.

Free Use

Free reservation is available to non-profit organizations, public agencies, cultural, educational, or civic groups, Sonoma County Library card holders, and Sonoma County residents up to twelve times per year, on a rolling calendar. To qualify for free use, the following conditions must be met:

  • The meeting should involve the sharing of information and opinions on non-commercial topics and must be attended by at least five people.
  • No commercial or fundraising activities are allowed, including selling goods, promoting businesses or products, soliciting donations, or charging admission fees.
  • The meeting must be open to the general public, regardless of the target audience, and should not require any membership fees or other payments.

Rental Use

Fee-based rental use is available for commercial entities, profit-based organizations, groups or individuals who do not meet the criteria for a free reservation above, and for private social events like parties, memorial services, or celebrations. Rentals are not confirmed until payment has been received.

  • Rental period of 0-4 hours - $75
  • Rental period over 4 hours, up to one day - $150

More information: Sonoma County Library Policy for the Public Use of Meeting Rooms