AtoZ Maps Online contains thousands of political, physical, outline, environmental, antique, and scientific maps. Some of the specialty maps include bird distribution, tree distribution, earthquake,...
A to Z the USA is an encyclopedia of US state and country data. It contains more than 120 editorial and image datasets arranged in 23 categories. Included are state animals, plants, stones, and...
A to Z World Culture website is currently not available.A to Z World Culture covers society and culture for 175 countries. Included is a large collection of images, as well as...
Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more.
Primary source material from 296 archival collections covering topics of importance to U.S. and California history
The easiest way to keep track of all the books you read. When you create a Beanstack account for yourself or your family, you are instantly connected to our seasonal reading programs. When the...
Book Connections is an easy-to-use website that adds a multimedia dimension to the reading experiences of children's and young adult books.
Watch and read -- video storybooks of classic children’s books are paired with a related nonfiction e-book.
Britannica® Academic delivers fast and easy access to high-quality, comprehensive information. The rich combination of the venerable Encyclopædia Britannica plus Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate...
Britannica School is the go-to site for learning more about any subject—for all grades and all reading abilities—offering thousands of up-to-date, curated, and curriculum-relevant articles, images,...
The California Digital Newspaper Collection contains over 400,000 pages of significant historical California newspapers published from 1846-1922, including the first California newspaper, the...
Calisphere is the University of California's free public gateway to a world of primary sources. More than 200,000 digitized items — including photographs, documents, newspaper pages, political...
ACT, SAT, PSAT, AP and more! College admission test preparation is a part of LearningExpress Library that is dedicated to supporting students applying to colleges.
Graduate school admission exams, College Placement Exams, and CLEP Exams. The College Student Center is a part of the LearningExpress Library dedicated to assisting students in reviewing the skills...
You can learn the fundamentals of computers, the Internet and popular software applications with these easy-to-follow video tutorials with beginner- to advanced-level instruction.
Coursera partners universities and companies to bring flexible job-relevant online learning from beginner to advanced with a focus on entry-level courses.
CultureGrams provides country and state reports that deliver a perspective on daily life and culture, including the background, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people.
The EBSCO eBook Collection is a collection of over 700 selected reference eBooks added to the Masterfile and Explora databases. These eBooks can be directly accessed through this link or found by...
Environmental Studies In Context brings together periodicals and multimedia, empowering learners to critically analyze and understand important topics that affect people around the world. Explore...
A Spanish-language resource for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish
What is Explora for High School?Designed specifically for high school students, this database contains full text for popu
Full-text magazine & newspaper articles for middle school homework.
Magazine articles, biographies and images on a variety of topics, for students in grades K-8. Library card and pin required when outside the library.
The High School Equivalency Center is a part of the LearningExpress Library that supports students working to complete their high school equivalency.
School center is a part of LearningExpress Library focusing on resources to help school aged students develop subject skills in elementary and middle school.
The Great Courses Library Collection includes more than 250 video courses, led by the world’s top experts, covering a broad range of subjects.
Live tutors available 24 hours a day. Assistance in math, science, language arts, and other core K-12 subjects.
What are Historical Magazine Archives from EBSCO?EBSCO offers full text historical runs of select major magazines dating from the 1800’s forward. Seven archives are available now in conne
Borrow the Curiosity Stream BingePass for access to an ever-growing collection of award-winning original and curated factual films, shows, and series covering science, nature, travel, history,...
Borrow the Great Courses Library Collection BingePass for unlimited access to hundreds of the most popular courses.
**On April 5th, 2023 ImageQuest will be unavailable from 12:00 - 3:00pm due to a scheduled update.** Patrons may use any image included on ...
Stream classic and contemporary features, award-winning shorts, film festival favorites and documentaries from around the world.
Practice Tests, Tutorials, Job Searching and Resume Building
Award-winning video tutorials taught by industry experts. Courses and tutorials cover a variety of topic and skill areas including office productivity applications, databases, spreadsheets, Photoshop...
COVID-19 has changed the way people are working - many people are working remotely, or unfortunately, not at all.
A digital library with 200 Spanish language eBooks for children. Discover exciting animated and interactive books to help develop Spanish language literacy in children from birth through elementary...
MakeMake es una biblioteca digital de 200 libros electrónicos en español para niños. Creado en Colombia, MakeMake es totalmente en español y fácil de usar.
Full text articles from more than 2,000 magazines, journals, and newspapers
An online database housing magazine issues, images and maps produced by National Geographic. The content includes the complete run of National Geographic magazine from 1888 to 2015 with over 7400...
Books, videos, magazines and pictures produced by National Geographic for children
Northstar is a set of online, self-guided modules used to test computer and technology skills. Test yourself and learn new skills.
For Kids: Find your next great read! For Teachers: Great resource for Common Core connections!
The Online Archive of California (OAC) provides free public access to detailed descriptions of primary resource collections maintained by more than 200 contributing institutions including libraries,...
More than 11,000 eBooks that are free to download, including classics, children's books, textbooks and world language titles.
Points of View Reference Center presents multiple sides of an issue providing rich content that can help students realize and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand...
More than 11,000 Research Topics pages deliver information on a vast array of people, places, historical events and eras, literary genres, current events, broad curricular themes and much more.
A resource to help students do more effective scholarly research with access to journals, books, newspapers and magazines.
Search current and archived San Francisco Chronicle issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online.
Science: Interactive helps students better visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science. Students and instructors can manipulate and explore 3D models...
A general reference database for upper elementary and middle school learners, researchers, and educators covering curriculum areas such as reading, language arts, science, social studies, history,...
A resource for pro/con issues assignments offering background and analysis on 360+ leading issues
Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes classes on topics including illustration, design, photography, video, freelancing, and more. Skillshare teachers are working...
Local History & Culture provides access to digitized images, documents and more that illuminate Sonoma County history and culture.
Thousands of resources to explore fiction and nonfiction books used in the K–12 environment.
24/7 online access to the latest news coverage on the Wall Street Journal website. Note: The sharing of sign-on credentials is not permitted.
Free online access to 24-hour resumé review drop off, live help and thousands of resources.
24/7 online access to the latest news coverage from The Washington Post website when using library devices or Wi-Fi.
24/7 online access to the latest news coverage from The Washington Post website.
Articles, photos, and maps of habitat areas of animals around the world.