Language Learning
Language Learning Homework Resources
A Spanish-language resource for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish
Hoopla is a one stop shop for your streaming digital media needs. Collections included in this platform are Comics, Music, TV, Movies, Audiobooks, and eBooks in all genres and age groups.
Kanopy is a streaming movie collection that showcases more than 30,000 of the world’s best, classic, and groundbreaking films. All of these movies streamed free with your Sonoma County Library card.
Books as well as DVD's targeted towards the youngest of language learners.
A digital library with 200 Spanish language eBooks for children. Discover exciting animated and interactive books to help develop Spanish language literacy in children from birth through elementary...
MakeMake es una biblioteca digital de 200 libros electrónicos en español para niños. Creado en Colombia, MakeMake es totalmente en español y fácil de usar.
Learn 60 foreign languages and 17 English courses taught in the user’s native tongue.
This series is the combination of a book with audio CD or cassette for children trying to learn a language.
Free online access to 24-hour resumé review drop off, live help and thousands of resources.